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Alexander Cockburn

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Alex kept the radical faith, steadily, constantly, going to the ends of the earth to cover the next story of revolt and revolution, going to the far corners of the United States to uncover the news that Americans were not taking it anymore. If a crowd had gathered, and if they were raising the red flag, or any flag of protest, that was enough for Alex. He would report their struggle, usually in The Nation, but also in the pages of The New York Review of Books, Harper’s, Esquire, the Village Voice and (for a brief period as remarkable as it was ironic) the Wall Street Journal.
John Nicols, "Alexander Cockburn and the Radical Power of the Word", The Nation, July 21, 2012.

Alexander Cockburn

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That’s what it’s going to be then, brothers, as I come to the like end of this tale. You have been everywhere with your little droog Alex, suffering with him, and you have viddied some of the most grahzny bratchnies old Bog ever made, all on to your old droog Alex. And all it was was that I was young. But now as I end this story, brothers, I am not young, not no longer, oh no. Alex like groweth up, oh yes.

Anthony Burgess

It is the Soldier, not the minister, who has given us freedom of religion.
It is the Soldier, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.
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In the first place we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American, and nothing but an American. If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest of America, then he isn't doing his part as an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag, and this excludes the red flag, which symbolizes all wars against liberty and civilization, just as much as it excludes any foreign flag of a nation to which we are hostile. We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding-house; and we have room for but one soul loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people.

Theodore Roosevelt

Kevin Nash: I need to get in the head of an X-Division star.
Alex Shelley: Dissect them, huh?
Kevin Nash: I need to know what they do, what they think when they got on the top rope. What they think when they leave the top rope.
Alex Shelley: Hey, Kevin! Look who your talking to here, huh?
Kevin Nash: Exactly.
Alex Shelley: So, what we did is run some tapes from Mexico, from Japan, from Madagascar.
Kevin Nash: Madagascar?
Alex Shelley: That's right. Alright, Kevin, here we are in Mexico City. Now notice, watch him go up, there you go, thats right. He's going into the Spaceman Torisho Arm drag right there. You see the beauty? The form? How he arched his back? That's right, as he does a 360. What?! -- over the top rope! Kevin, come on, take these notes.
Kevin Nash: What is that?
Johnny Devine: Double Reverse Ninja Kick.
Kevin Nash: With an atomic arm drop. Where is this? I've never seen a two-sided ring before.
Alex Shelley: You're damn right you haven't! Because this is Madagascar. Japan, Mexico they got nothing on Madagascar, oh man.
Kevin Nash: But...are they sitting on the floor?
Johnny Devine: This guys --
Alex Shelley: That's right, because chairs are a luxury over there.
Kevin Nash: Doesn't look like there's that many people there. How many people are at this thing?
Alex Shelley: Three hundred, give or take.
Kevin Nash: Three hundred?
Alex Shelley: Best wrestlers in the world I tell ya, right here. Best wrestlers in the world. Yeah, write up, Kevin. You know what I'm going to do for you, Kevin? You know those two Madagascar wrestlers we were watching? We're going to fly them in business class.
Kevin Nash: Shut the front door!
Alex Shelley: That's right. Business class. Just so you can train with these fellas. Come on, Kevin.
Kevin Nash: I... love you.
Alex Shelley: Next week we'll do it up, huh
(group hug)
Alex Shelley: Hold me!
Kevin Nash: Championship...feel it.
Alex Shelley: Hold me. Not too tight.
Kevin Nash: Okay, Sorry.

Kevin Nash

Our brains are no longer conditioned for reverence and awe. We cannot imagine a Second Coming that would not be cut down to size by the televised evening news, or a Last Judgment not subject to pages of holier-than-Thou second-guessing in The New York Review of Books.

John Updike
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