Sunday, June 02, 2024 Text is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 licence.

Bobby Hull

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I think for kids it's the most important part of the game. You have to be able to skate forward and backward, stop and start, go from side to side. Those are the basics of the game.
Quoted in Andrew Podnieks, "One on One with Bobby Hull," Legends of (2001-12-11)
Hull comments on his belief that the most fundamental aspect of ice hockey is skating.

Bobby Hull

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The important thing in our process, however, is to play the game, and in the great game of life, and particularly the game of politics, what is important is that on either side more Americans voted this year than ever before, and the fact that you won or you lost must not keep you from keeping in the great game of politics in the years ahead, because the better competition we have between the two parties, between the two men running for office, whatever office that may be, means that we get the better people and the better programs for our country.

Richard Nixon

Jack Thompson on Kansas Television This Evening
Pixelantes and Hal Halpin, Who Is Just a Highly Paid Pixelante Lobbyist:
I am on Kansas television tonight and your're not. I'll be explaining to folks in Senator Brownback's homestate that some of the perps involved in the "Kansas Columbine" incited were found to be gamers by virtue of my close work with the law enforcement community there.
On the other side of the ledger, you have Hal Halpin, who spends days and nights doing whatever he can to make sure other parents' kids have access to violent video games that are mature-rated. If Hal Halpin really wanted to stop the sale of mature-rated games to kids he would stop agitating against legislation that requires a parent to make the purchasing choice.
See, Hal Halpin can't have it both ways, and maintain to the public that he is an honest individual. If the industry acknowledges that the mature-rated games are inappropriate for minors, then you can't also be for a scheme, as is Hal Halpin, that allows the sale of a mature-rated game to a kid with no parent in sight.
Either prohibit the sale of these games to kids, or stop pretending to want to stop the sales. The Federal Trade Commission repeatedly states that 35% or more of the kids who got to major retailers are able to buy these mature games. A kid who goes to two retailers has a better than 50% chance of getting the game. Hal opposes doing anything to stop the totally unregulated sale of mature games to kids of any age via the Internet.
Hal Halpin assists, daily, the video game industry's mental molestation of minors for money. Hal, get an honest job, please. Jack Thompson

Jack Thompson

Hal, Nice of you to take your time to answer some gamers' questions. I have a few questions of my own and some comments. Feel free to respond, or not, as you like.
1. First a comment. Thank you for your kind comments about me a few months ago regarding my "commitment," I think you called it, to stay the course in my efforts, as you called upon those on the other side of this culture war divide to show the same resolve I show. That was very nice of you.
2. As to our Alabama lawsuit, about which no one who reads this site seems to know anything, I wonder if you would care to share your thoughts on the fact that the Alabama Supreme Court has rejected the defendants' First Amendment arguments and we are headed to trial where we will put the entire video game industry under the microscope. Are you looking forward to that?
3. Would you mind giving us your opinion of Take-Two's labeling me a bisexual pedophile at its official site and the fact that that will be part of the proof to the jury that the video game industry seeks to suppress information about its practices by going after whistleblowers.
4. Hal, I wonder if you could explain how a parent is warned by the ratings on a game before the purchase if a 15-year-old shows up at the cash register at Target, for example, and there is no parent around? Relatedly, why is it that the FTC is still finding roughly 40% of the time the cashier will sell it to that kid? If Wal-Mart were selling six packs of beer to minors 40% of the time somebody in the Walton family would be in jail. Now, it seems really simple to most parents out here, Hal, and I'd like you to explain to us why it isn't this simple: If your IEMA members really wanted to stop selling these games to kids they would stop selling them to kids, wouldn't they? There would not be a 40% failure rate, would there, Hal?
5. I am wondering, Hal, why you have never taken me up on my offer to bring together folks on my side of the issue with folks on your side of the issue for a summit about what to do about the marketing and sale of mature games to kids? Long term, this puts your retailers at risk. If they stopped selling adult games to kids, there would be no more lawsuits like the one in Alabama, which contrary to what the pixelantes here think, is going to trial. The Alabama Supreme Court said so. What happens in America these days is that both sides just get with people on their side and rah-rah with one another, and the two sides never get to any understanding. What goes on in that regard at this web site is typical. Why have you not taken me up on that offer? If your answer is what the kids here say, that I am a nobody, etc., then I guess I would point out that you are the one who identified me as leading the effort against the violent games. Why can't we have that summit?
6. Bully. Why in the world are not more people in the industry saying to Rockstar, Are you out of your freaking minds?
7. How is your brother Spence's Moral Kombat movie coming? I really enjoyed meeting him for it. He is a great fellow. When is it going to be released, if you know?
8. Why hasn't your organization isolated Take-Two and identified them to be the scoundrels that they are? I think if you did that, you would convince a lot of people on our side that your organization actually has scruples.
11. Why are your member companies selling M-rated games to kids on the Internet with no age verification effort whatsoever? You know that that flies in the face of what IEMA's stated positions are on selling M games to kids, right? As you know, which people at this site don't want to know, age verification software is available to all your members, and also a credit card cannot legally be used to verify age, as kids have cards.
All the best. Hope to see you and meet you at the summit you said you were considering.

Jack Thompson

Let me tell you something, the end game, Paul, for Congress and this president — and I don't know how many members of Congress even realize the game that they are either being used in or a pawn in. But believe me, they'll take the universal health care coverage over what skin they do have in it. They're going to come out — this system is going to come out the other side dictorial [sic] — it is going to come out a fascist state.

Glenn Beck

We don't need to have meetings. We know where we are ... there's some guys in there that have been in this situation before. And the best way I think all of us know to go about our business is to play the next game. Put that on our radar and try and take care of the next game. You start trying to look ahead, it can look a little overwhelming. Just play the game that's in front of us, and that's the only thing that matters right now.

Terry Francona
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