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David Ben-Gurion

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"Who says I sleep?" was Ben-Gurion's simple reply.
As quoted in The Jewish Paradox : A Personal Memoir (1978) by Nahum Goldmann, as translated by Steve Cox, pp 99-100 ISBN 0-448-15166-9

David Ben-Gurion

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David Ben-Gurion

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"The Bloodguard do not sleep."
"No Bloodguard has slept since the Haruchai swore their Vow."
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Iamblichus of Chalcis

They will ask: "Who gave you the Teaching?"
Answer: "The Mahatma of the East."
They will ask: "Where does He live?"
Answer: "The abode of the Teacher not only cannot be made known but cannot even be uttered. Your question shows how far you are from the understanding of the Teaching. Even humanly you must realize how wrong your question is."
They will ask: "When can I be useful?"
Answer: "From this hour unto eternity."
"When should I prepare myself for labor?"
"Lose not an hour!"
"And when will the call come?"
"Even sleep vigilantly."
"How shall I work until this hour?"
"Enhancing the quality of labor."

Nicholas Roerich
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