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Dwight L. Moody

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When I read the life of such a man as Paul, how I blush to think how sickly and dwarfed Christianity is at the present time, and how many hundreds there are who never think of working for the Son of God and honoring Christ.
P. 3.

Dwight L. Moody

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Paul: I didn't write them, I disavow them...
Q: So you read them, but didn't do anything.
Paul: I never read that stuff. I was probably aware of it ten years after it was's going on twenty years that people have pestered me about this.
Q: Well, wouldn't you say it's a legitimate question?
Paul: When you get the answer, it's legitimate that you sorta take the answer I give. You know what the answer is? "I didn't write them, I didn't read them at the time, and I disavow them."

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