Sunday, June 02, 2024 Text is available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 licence.

Phil Vischer

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This is where we store our bicycles. A lot of people ride their bikes to work here. And, of course, there has to be a robot to protect them and make sure they don't get stolen like R2D2 in episode two where he did a very bad job in protecting Princess Amidala from those worm things. But this robot is significantly more effective as a theft-deterrant system than R2D2 was in that film. That's why the bikes are here.
From Disc Two; Behind the Scenes: Big Idea Tour (00:02:28-00:02:50)

Phil Vischer

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“I presume I could classify myself as a Christian,” said Sutton. “I believe there is a Commandment about killing.”
The robot shook his head. “It doesn’t count.”
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