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War Quotes - random - 100+ quotes

Ruggedman | War Quotes
You either love me or hate me in peace and war.
David Harvey (geographer)
The ultimate Form of devaluation is military confrontation and global war.
Bill Hicks
[on the Gulf War] I was in the unenviable position of being for the war, but against the troops.

David Zindell
All men are warriors. And life for everything in our universe is nothing but war.
William Tecumseh Sherman
Some of you young men think that war is all glamour and glory, but let me tell you, boys, it is all Hell!
Charles de Gaulle | War Quotes
France has lost a battle, but France has not lost the war.
Benito Mussolini
War is the normal state of the people.
Alberto Gonzales
I consider myself a casualty, one of the many casualties of the war on terror.
Carl von Clausewitz
The state of crisis is the real war; the equilibrium is nothing but its reflex.
William Saroyan
Art and religion would not be able to stop the war any more than they would be able to stop tomorrow.
Benjamin Franklin | War Quotes
There never was a good war or a bad peace.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.
Ursula K. Le Guin
If civilization has an opposite, it is war.
Jan Struther
Come, let us wage a holy war!
Len Deighton
"When old men decided to barter young men for pride and profit, the transaction was called war."
Benito Mussolini | War Quotes
Speeches made to the people are essential to the arousing of enthusiasm for a war.
Adlai Stevenson
Some war hero is always getting in my way.
Publilius Syrus
We should provide in peace what we need in war.
George S. Patton
Men are at war with each other because each man is at war with himself.
Erich von Manstein
A war is not lost until you consider it lost.

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